Påsken på Fyn 2014

Orienteringsløb for hele familien – d.17-18 & 19 april.

Påsken på Fyn 2014 - Orienteringsløb for hele familien  –  d.17-18 & 19 april.

Bulletin 3

Invitation is updated (Rev 3)


  1. There are vacancies in Danhostel Faaborg: 1 single room, 1 3-bed room, 1 4-bed room and 1 6-bed room. Please contact +45 62611203.
  2. Please be aware the number bibs, rented E-cards, and backup labels for Stage 1 and 2 will be handed out in club bags at the Event office on Stage 1, and that backup labels for Stage 3 must be picked up in club bags at the Event office on stage 3
  3. Children’s courses will be trying the most recent technological timing equipment, since touchfree controls will be used.